Sunday, November 6, 2011


For connecting unlocked Data cards to internet we need to specify the Access Point Name (APN) of each operator. If the access points is not given correctly then the data cardwill not connect to the internet. Here i am giving theaccess points of all major telecom operators in India. I am also giving the access number which must also be given to connect to the internet. I think this will be helpful for all those who are using datacards to access internet. These access point name can also be used in PC suites to connect to the internet.

                                      The list is given below:-


1. The HTC Flyer:-

The HTC Flyer is a 7” tablet running Android 2.3 Gingerbread with the latest version of HTC’s popular Sense UI. Despite running the phone version of Android the performance is snappy and even apps designed for smaller phone screens still scale pretty good. IT has a 1.5 GHz processor and 1GB of RAM so it can handle all of your web browsing needs (including Flash) with relative ease. Best of all it features a special technology called HTC Scribe that gives you a pressure sensitive stylus perfect for signing documents or taking notes in class.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


These are the steps to protect Facebook account from hacking

1. Hide your primary email
Your primary email is the email your facebook account is registered with. I see a lot of people using free email providers like yahoo, hotmail and gmail and even showing this on their facebook profile. Once a hacker gets hold of your primary email, your facebook account is as good as gone. All that needs to be done is to use Forgot Password to reset your facebook password and a link is sent to your email which is already hacked! To prevent this, be sure your primary email is hidden. To do this, go to Edit Profile >Contact Information. Change your primary email's visibility to Only Me.


Perhaps you changed your Nokia phone security code in a hurry and forgot the next time you're to use the phone. It might even be that someone else did or you might just decide to read someone else's phone security code. Whatever the case may be, this tutorial explains how to read a Nokia phone existing security code without necessarily changing it back to the default 12345 or flashing the phone.

[ANT] Simple is a tiny program that reads the security code of any Nokia phone that supports USB connection mode.

1. Downoad [ANT] Simple(included below)


If your blog have long posts and you want to help your visitors to find your recent posts quickly, with out spending time browsing you blog searching for your older posts.
you’ll definitely like this widget and you’ll add it to your blog sidebar.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Tag cloud is new gadget of blogger new  version , tag cloud give little cool touch to your blog and also it have another benefit that visitors can find whatever they are looking for without any problem in another words visitors will feel comfortable in your blog and it is very easy to make it just follow the few easy and easy steps.Step 1
Login to your blogger dashboard and click on Design and then click on Add agadgets.

Popular and Recommended Social Bookmarking Sites to Drive More Website Traffic

There are lots of social bookmarking sites available on the Internet, I personally think that it is not necessary to use all of them for your benefits because you will getting busy with these social bookmarking sites if you have more than 20 accounts to manage, right? Register the following 10 popular and recommended social bookmarking sites is good enough for 4 reasons irresistible benefits as below.
Why Use Social Bookmarking Sites?
  1. Quick Indexing – This is the faster way to have your posts or webpages get indexed by search engines like Google by submitting them to popular social networking sites like StumbleUpon, Digg and etc.
  2. Traffic Generation – You can drive some traffic from social bookmarking sites as well as from the pages indexed in search engines.
  3. Personal Branding – Some social bookmarking sites allow you to develop your own page on their sites according to your favorite styles.
  4. Quality Backlinks – You can receive high quality backlinks from social bookmarking sites and directly generate more traffic to your website.

How to Make Mozilla Firefox Faster

Google Chrome has now eclipsed Mozilla Firefox in the speed category, but I still using my Mozilla Firefox as my default browser and it is still my favorite browser that I will use very often because Mozilla Firefox still better than Google Chrome and other browsers in certain areas. But do you know improve the speed of Mozilla Firefoxis possible? You can follow the below steps to make Mozilla Firefox somewhat faster than Google Chrome and other browsers.
1. Type about:config into the Firefox URL/address bar and hit ENTER. (You will be warned that you might void your warranty if you change some advanced settings, just click the button “I’ll be careful and I Promise!” to go ahead)
2. Search the following Preference Name/entry and set their values to “true” by double-clicking each one of them.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Having Trouble to get your blog indexed  Or your blog is indexed slowly by google and other search engines.. Dont worry I will show you 5 Simple Steps to Get Your Blog Indexed Or updated By Search Engines quickly..

Indexing by major search engine such as Google is really important to get traffics. It’s an important SEO factor and by getting indexed by Google means that your blog article is exposed to whole world.

First check whether you site is index by google or not. if not or not sure than go through my Adding Sitemap To Google article HERE ..

Adding Your Blog To Social Bookmarking Sites

Google +1 Button To WordPress And Blogger

Google has officially launched +1 button before an hour. So here is our little guide on how to add the official Google +1 button on your WordPress and Blogger blog.

Google Talk Chat Badges For Blogger

 Add Google Talk Chatback Badges in Blogger and Stay Connected with Readers.

Add Google Talk Chatback Badges in Blogger and Stay Connected with your Blog Readers. A Google Talk chatback badge will let visitors to your web page chat with you. They'll be able to chat with you whenever you're signed in to Google Talk as

Google Chatback badge

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How to Create a Desktop Shortcut to Safely Remove Hardware Device

When we plugin any external storage media like USB/Memory Card etc and transfer data from/to it.If your external hardware is used by any background process and you remove the hardware directly it may corrupt the data.You should always Safely Remove the hardware device to assure that your data is safe .But most of the people usually forget to do the same.
You can create shortcut to safely remove hardware device on you Desktop which is more visible and can be easily used to remove the hardware devices


  • Right click on your Desktop and Click on New.

How to Redirect a Blogger Blog to another Blog or Website

To redirect a your blogspot to another Blog or Website, just add a Meta Tag in theHeader section of the blog as shown below:
  • Search for:
    <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
  • Add this Meta Tag just after the above code:<meta content="0;url=http://YOUR NEW URL HERE" http-equiv="refresh"/>
  • Then Save the Template. That’s all! :)

Monday, October 31, 2011


Date Invention Or Discovery Inventor Or Discoverer Nationality
1250 Magnifying glass Roger Bacon English
1450 Printing press Johann Gutenberg German
1504 Pocket watch Peter Henlein German
1590 Compound microscope Zacharias Janssen Dutch
1593 Water thermometer Galileo Italian
1608 Telescope Hans Lippershey Dutch
1625 Blood transfusion Jean-Baptiste Denys French
1629 Steam turbine Giovanni Branca Italian
1642 Adding machine Blaise Pascal French
1643 Barometer Evangelista Torricelli Italian
1650 Air pump Otto von Guericke German
1656 Pendulum clock Christiaan Huygens Dutch
1661 Methanol Robert Boyle Irish
1668 Reflecting telescope Isaac Newton English
1671 Calculating machine Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz German
1698 Steam pump Thomas Savery English
1701 Seed drill Jethro Tull English
1710 Piano Bartolomeo Cristofori Italian


1 Aachman intake of a sip of water before a yagya or puja
2 Aadesh command; message
3 Aadi first; most important
4 Aafreen encouragement
5 Aakar shape
6 Aakash the sky
7 Aalap musical
8 Aandaleeb The Bulbul bird
9 Aashish blessings
10 Abeer color
11 Abhay fearless
12 Abhayananda delighting in fearless
13 Abhayaprada bestower of safety, another name for Vishnu
14 Abheek fearless
15 Abhi fearless
16 Abhibhava overpowering, powerful, victorious